Criteria 1:Unusualness
Definition:The new is different, out of the ordinary
Example: Plane crash
Criteria 2: Significance
Definition:Important events, ones that affect many people
Example: Scienctific discoveries, the economy
Criteria 3: Timeless
Definition: New that is shown at the moment it is happening
Example:flood while happening
Criteria 4: Proximity
Definition:Nearby events
Example:local schools, new state laws, regional highway
Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition:when well know things are involved
Example:, movie star arrested
Criteria 6: Human interest
Definition: Personal appeal that draws our attention
Example:sand castle competition, veterinarian who specializes in elephants
2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and broadcast journlism. Please describe 3 ways they are different and explain.
News papers provide the fuller coverage of more stories than other media. News magazines provide in-depht coverage. Radio new is sometimes called headline news because the reports are usually very limited. Television news is moew dramatic news coverage.
3. List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why.
- Unusualness: you do not see many crashes envolving pigs
- Human interest: many would like to know what happened to the people in the car or what happend to the pigs
4. List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why.
- Unusulness: There are not many dogs who need each other because of blindness or deafness
- Human interest. People would like to know what will happpen with the dogs
- Prominence: many know the stars that were being announce in the awards.
- Human interest:Would like to know who won the awards.
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