Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Madison's Story

1. The camera work flows very well. Each clip fits in and moves smoothly. There is no choppy clips and does noy jump around. It tells the story very well.

2. I really liked the story because it tells a great message. That no matter how you look, even with a missing hand you are still the same as others.  And capable of doing anything you want.

A-roll~ Anything in the story that you hear(interview)

Segues~ Reporter voice over and natural sound

B-roll~ The video footage that compliments the story

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Land of 10,000 stories: A Publishers Dream

1. What is the focus statement of this story?
How he powers his building and car with a solar panel

2. Give examples of W-M-T sequences
Wide- showing the office
Medium- showing the people around the office
Tight- showing his books

3. Give examples of The Rule of Thirds
 He is always lined up with the top and middle line

4. Give examples of Eyes on Third
 When he is looking into the rear view mirror of the car

5. Give examples of Talking Space
When he would explain anything he would either be in the left side or the right which gave him enough room to talk and not look awkward.

6. What did you like about story?
I like that he powers his building with the sun.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Rule of Thirds
Be on the third line of the grid

Eyes on Third
Eyes are on  the top line on the grid

Talking Space/The Nose Know
allowing space to move around and not be awkward

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Camera Notes

1. What is a Focus Statement? Define   

One sentence that is specific about the topic

2. Why do we need a Focus Statement?  

You need to have a central idea

3. Give an example of a Focus Statement sentence.

Some girls are making their homecoming dresses
4. Give an example of a Focus Statement in 3 words: (Subject-Verb-Object)
Girls make dresses
5. What are the 6 Essential Equipment items you need with you when shooting an interview?
  • camera
  • tripod
  • mircophone
  • headphones
  • batteries
  • media
6. Why is a tripod important?
Keep shots perfecctly still and clear.
7. The Tripod is my ___________
8. Define: Pan
Moving the tripod horizonally
9. Define: Tilt
Moving tripod vertically
10. Why are headphones important?
So you can hear the person that is talking better


 Because you do not want to find out during the shoot or even days later during editing

12. Define Wide shot:
Overall feel of the setting and surroundings

13. Why do we need a wide shot?
So we can now where the shot is

14. Define Medium shot:
It is less setting,more detail focus on specific area

15. Why do we need a medium shot?
To give the rich detail and natural

16. Define a tight shot.

Give a lot more detail than a wide shot

17. Why do we need a tight shot?

To have something easier to work with when edititng

18. What is a sequence?
Series of connected shots that tells a story that makes sense

19. Why do we need a sequence?

To understand the story

Monday, April 15, 2013

1. Identify, define, and give an example of the 6 criteria of newsworthiness.

Criteria 1:Unusualness
Definition:The new is different, out of the ordinary
Example: Plane crash

Criteria 2: Significance
Definition:Important events, ones that affect many people
Example: Scienctific discoveries, the economy

Criteria 3: Timeless
Definition: New that is shown at the moment it is happening
Example:flood while happening

Criteria 4: Proximity
Definition:Nearby events
Example:local schools, new state laws, regional highway

Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition:when well know things are involved
Example:, movie star arrested

Criteria 6: Human interest
Definition: Personal appeal that draws our attention
Example:sand castle competition, veterinarian who specializes in elephants

 2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and broadcast journlism. Please describe 3 ways they are different and explain.

News papers provide the fuller coverage of more stories than other media. News magazines provide in-depht coverage. Radio new is sometimes called headline news because the reports are usually very limited. Television news is moew dramatic news coverage.

3. List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why.
  • Unusualness: you do not see many crashes envolving pigs
  • Human interest: many would like to know what happened to the people in the car or what happend to the pigs

 4. List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why.
  • Unusulness: There are not many dogs who need each other because of blindness or deafness
  • Human interest. People would like to know what will happpen with the dogs
5. List all the criteria the 3rd story we watched fits under and why.

  • Prominence: many know the stars that were being announce in the awards.
  • Human interest:Would like to know who won the awards.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Classmate Story : Work hard and have fun

Many of us have experienced times where we cannot take it anymore, so we give up and not continue on. Not for Anna Schoonover she has always lived to her motto work hard and have fun. The way she got this motto is from her dad.  She always tries to keep in mind to never give up.  Anna has used it in many ways, but the one that stood out the most is when she is playing lacrosse. Lacrosse can be a tiring sport where it gets the point you do not want to continue.  Anna once was at her lacrosse game and she was playing hard. Then it got to the point where she could not continue. But she remembered what he dad said work hard and have fun.  Anna states “I always try to remember it and keep it in mind when it get She tries her best to not give up and continue in what she is doing, but most important she remembers to have fun.  We should all find that motto in life, so no matter what we need to work hard and remember to have fun.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of a classmate

Anna Schoonover:

1.   What is your goal in life?
Her goal is to graduate high school. Also start a family,and have a good job

2.      Is there anything that has impacted your life in a positive or negative way?
Something that has impacted her life in a postive way is having her teamates and friends around to talk to them about anything. Negative thing that has happened in her life is the death of her grandma. It impacted her because she was really close to her.

3.      What are you plans after high school?
go to college,but she is not sure what she wants to major in yet.

4.      Who is the most important person in your life and why?

Her lax coach , inspire her to do bigger things, told her that she can go to any school

5.      What is one special thing about you?
Her Family owns a body shop, and she sometimes works there.

6.      Is there anything that makes you different from your friends or family?
She is a lot louder and more outgoing then her friends and family.
7.      What skills do you have?

her skills are hockey, lacrosse,babysitting,and academics
8.      What are some challenges you have gone through?

Grandma dying

9.      What is a motto you have?

Work hard and have fun

10.  Any good advice for others?

Always strive to be your best, have no regrets